tumbleweed tree

First, I have to apologize for the quality of these pictures (they are from my i-phone) but I saw this tree tonight at Hotel Terra, where we had dinner, and just had to document it! It was very beautiful and whimsical in person. It appears to be made out of something similar to tumbleweed and the simplicity of it just struck me:


Callie Grayson said…
it looks very cool! fluffy in a way.
love the white lights
Two Tall Girls said…
Such an interesting tree. It really is beautiful and so delicate. I'd love to know more about it. Do share if you find anything out.
Anonymous said…
wow – I like it, too. Very ethereal.
Gina said…
wow! it is gorgeous <3
that is one magical tree! so pretty
Olivia StClaire said…
So different, beautiful & creative!! Makes me wish we had tumbleweeds here in Ohio!! So airy & ethereal!
laissezfaire said…
wow, I have never seena fluffy tree like this b4!
Blair Friedeman said…
Two tall girls, from my research I have discovered that it was made by a commissioned artist--I will let you know once I know who!
summer said…
so cheery and charming!
love your love of simple things!
Blair Friedeman said…
So happy you enjoy them Summer!
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone! Maybe I can help. The Tumbleweed Christmas Tree was made by local Jackson Artist Ben Roth. You can learn more about Ben, Hotel Terra and Jackson Hole at Terra Resort Group's blog www.livewelljacksonhole.com
Check it out and thanks for featuring our lovely branches!
georgia b. said…

i thought maybe this was your tree. i was going to be very impressed if it was!
Blair Friedeman said…
Thank you Kathryn! Georgia- so flattered that you thought this could be my tree!
Courtney said…
This is absolutely amazing! Wow, seriously stunning. Thank you for sharing this!
Rebecca R. Brown said…
These trees are looks spanking . Great thanks guy for this post here . Cut Out Image

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