Recycling Day!
I just dropped off about a month of recycling and seeing how much I had accumulated in that time made me truly feel that I was doing something significant. This raised the question - what could all these wine bottles and La Croix cans become in the design world? I knew all about cork floors and recycled glass counters but I was curious to see what else was out there. The answer--a lot! These were some of the more unexpected and noteworthy items I found:

A clock made out of a bicycle sprocket and a computer hard drive from Natural Territory:

Beautifully patterned lampshades made out of recycled card stock from Love Eco

One of the more expensive items I came across was this reclaimed cork chaise designed by Daniel Michalik:

My favorite items from the search are these beautiful tumblers that are made out of the bottom half of red wine bottles from Planet Trash:

Lastly, these Emeco chairs are designed by Phillipe Starke and made out of 80% recycled aluminum. They are also guaranteed to last 150 years--talk about sustainable!
